University of the Third Age Brisbane

Connecting Seniors to Lifelong Learning

University of the Third Age Brisbane

Connecting Seniors to Lifelong Learning

Never Stop Learning

Enrolments Open

Class Schedule for Term 1 2025 is now active and enrolments are open. Term 1 commenced on Tuesday 28 January.

To join a new class, enrol through the Class Search page by clicking on the Enrol button, or contact the tutor directly. If you book online you may assume your enrolment is accepted unless the tutor advises otherwise.

You can use the Member Dashboard to view your class enrolment status.

Search Classes and Enrol

Member Dashboard

2025 Term dates:

 Term  From  To  Weeks 
   1 Tue 28-Jan Fri 4-Apr   10
   2 Tue 22-Apr Fri 27-Jun   10
   3 Mon 14-Jul Fri 19-Sep   10
   4 Tue 7-Oct Fri 12-Dec   10
Public Holidays during Term 1:


How to Enrol in a Class

LearnYou need to be a current U3A Brisbane member before you can attend a class.  However, you should enquire about a class from the tutor before joining as some of our popular classes may be full at certain times. New members can Join Online.

To enrol, either contact the tutor directly or enrol through the Class Search page by clicking on a class of interest. You will see a button labelled 'Enrol in This Class'. Click that button and you will be asked for your membership number and surname for identification purposes.

If you submit your enrolment online you will receive an email confirmation. You may assume that your enrolment is accepted unless you receive advice to the contrary from the tutor. Some classes have requirements for pre-existing knowledge, e.g. computer classes. In any direct communications with a tutor please advise your U3A Brisbane membership number, or indicate your intention to join.

If you are enrolled in an existing class, you can re-enrol for the following term using the Member Dashboard page. In some cases, tutors will roll class members forward to a new term.

For more information about U3A membership and class enrolments, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Class Search



Please read our Disclaimer which contains important information about content of class materials, presentations, website hyperlinks and related matters.


How to Cancel a Class Enrolment

You can cancel an enrolment online using the Member Dashboard feature. Alternatively, you can use the same process as to enrol. Find the class under Class Search and click on the Enrol button. The system will ask for your membership number and surname, and will then recognise that you are enrolled and invite you to Cancel.


How to View Your Enrolments

Use this feature to check all your current class and event enrolments.

Member Dashboard


Class Fees

Your class fees fund the cost of our classroom premises and equipment.

Class fees for City Campus face-to-face classes need to be paid upfront for the each term at the rate of $5 per class week, i.e. $50 for a typical term with 10 weekly classes. Zoom online classes have an upfront fee of $25 per term, which covers the cost of the necessary software licences. Class fees can be paid through the Member Payment page.

Pay Class Fees


QR Code Attendance Recording

U3A Brisbane uses our own internal QR Code system to record class attendances. See Using the QR System for more information.