Thinking about Teaching at U3A?
Becoming a volunteer tutor at U3A Brisbane brings forth a world of joys and rewards, both personally and within the community. As a tutor, you have the unique opportunity to share your passion and expertise with a diverse group of lifelong learners, fostering a sense of fulfilment and purpose. Witnessing the growth and enthusiasm of students as they acquire new knowledge and skills is immensely rewarding. Moreover, volunteering at U3A Brisbane allows you to stay intellectually engaged and continuously expand your own horizons as you delve deeper into your subject matter. Being part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who value education and connection creates a strong sense of camaraderie and belonging. By contributing your time and knowledge, you play an integral role in supporting the mission of U3A Brisbane to promote lifelong learning, making a lasting and positive impact on the lives of fellow seniors.
We welcome new Tutors with open arms! Tutors are vital to U3A Brisbane. We would not exist without them. If you have been thinking of becoming a tutor or starting a discussion group, please come along to our next information session, or enquire to the appropriate Coordinator listed below. There is an information session for prospective tutors usually at the beginning of each year at one of our City Campus venues. For information on tutoring at the City Campus (Creek St or Adelaide St), please contact our Tutor Liaison Officer, Gail Hawkins, by email at:
If you are interested in tutoring in one of the U3A Brisbane Districts, please contact the appropriate District Coordinator as follows. You will need to make initial contact through the office email address:
District | Coordinator |
Logan | Bernadette Ketter |
City Precinct | Rod McLary |
Northside | Rod McLary |
Southside | Pat Collins |
Westside | Rod McLary |
Wynnum | Chris Hobbs |
District Coordinators
Logan: Bernadette Ketter |
City Precinct: Rod McLary |
Northside: Rod McLary |
Southside: Pat Collins |
Westside: Rod McLary |
Wynnum: Chris Hobbs |
Information on classes currently offered in each area is available on our Class Details page.
Please complete the Tutor application form if you wish to teach classes at U3A Brisbane.
2025 Term dates:
Term | From | To | Weeks |
1 | Tue 28-Jan | Fri 4-Apr | 10 |
2 | Tue 22-Apr | Fri 27-Jun | 10 |
3 | Mon 14-Jul | Fri 19-Sep | 10 |
4 | Tue 7-Oct | Fri 12-Dec | 10 |
2025 Public Holidays during terms
Term 1:
Australia Day: Monday 27 January
Term 2:
Easter Monday: Monday 21 April
Anzac Day: Friday 25 April
Labour Day: Monday 5 May
Term 3:
Exhibition Holiday Logan: Monday 11 August
Exhibition Holiday Brisbane: Wednesday 13 August
Term 4:
King's Birthday: Monday 6 October
Tutor Guidelines
The following documents provide detailed information about tutoring at U3A Brisbane:
Tutor Guidelines - City Campus
Tutor Guidelines - Districts
Guidelines for acceptable types of class
- No class, or class-associated activities, should be used to advertise goods or services in which a tutor or class member has any financial interest.
- Where religion is involved in the subject-matter of a course, the only acceptable treatment is through comparative religion. There should be no classes that advocate a particular religion or ideology and there should be no proselytising.
- The only classes dealing with health or nutrition that can be accepted are those run by people with recognised formal qualifications in those fields.
- Classes on alternative or controversial subjects should be examined by the Management Committee or its appointed representatives before being allowed.
- Any tutor who, in the judgment of the Management Committee, causes concern with class content will be required to submit a plan setting out the subject to be taught and how contentious issues will be addressed in class. This should go to the Management Committee for consideration and approval.
Please read our Disclaimer which contains important information about content of class materials, presentations, website hyperlinks and related matters.
Code of Conduct
All tutors should be aware of U3A Brisbane's Code of Conduct, and should refer members to the Code where appropriate.
Code of Conduct
Tutor facilities on website
Our website includes extensive secure facilities for tutors to manage their class lists and published class information. Register using the Website Registration option in the lower navigation menu above to obtain a login password. Detailed instructions are available under the Tutor Menu once you have logged in. For further information email:
Discussion Forum
U3A Brisbane has a Discussion Forum, mainly intended for members to discuss class content with each other. In order to access the forum, students need to firstly:
Register a username and password via Website Registration. They need to respond to the security email otherwise the password won't be registered. Passwords can be re-set via the same process.
To access the Forum, once username and password have been registered:
1. Login via the login window at top right of home page.
2. Go to the Tutors or Members menu and select Discussion Forum.
Tutors may request a new Forum Category for their class. See Discussion Forum explanatory page for more information.
Managing Enrolments
Tutors should read the Managing Enrolments page for information about restricting enrolments by either setting Class Full, or by setting a Class Size limit.
Reducing PDF File Sizes
As a tutor you may often need to create Word or PowerPoint files and send a copy to class members, typically as a PDF. Presentations can often be very large files and can't be emailed. This page explains how to drastically reduce the size of a PDF file:
Reducing PDF File Sizes
Using Apple Presentation software
If you have prepared a presentation using Keynote, Pages etc. on an Apple computer, you can easily present them on a Windows laptop at U3A using iCloud. You simply upload the presentation at home to the online Keynote application within iCloud and run it from there in the browser on the Windows laptop at U3A. You just need to sign in with your Apple ID and password. You can even prepare presentations entirely within iCloud if you wish.
It is also possible to convert Apple formats to the equivalent Windows format, e.g. Keynote to PowerPoint, from within the Apple application, but this can often be less than perfect. An alternative is to convert the presentation from within Keynote to PDF format, and run the PDF on a Windows PC. This process would not transfer animations, but works well with straightforward slides.
Another alternative is to use the CloudConvert site to convert your file format.
QR Code Attendance Recording System
U3A Brisbane uses our own internal QR Code system to record class attendances. For City Campus classes, QR sheets will be provided in class. For district classes, tutors will be sent a laminated QR sheet which you should take to class each week. See Using the QR System for more information.
Zoom Classes
We encourage Tutors to run online Zoom classes as an alternative to face-to-face classes. U3A Brisbane can provide professional Zoom Education licenses to tutors who require them. The licence allows Zoom session hosting with up to 300 attendees with no time limit. See our Running Classes Online page for more information.
Insurance Cover and Workplace Health and Safety Policy
Details of U3A Brisbane's insurance cover and Workplace Health and Safety Policy are explained below. Tutors should familiarise themselves with this information.
Insurance Cover and Workplace Health and Safety
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Evacuation Procedures - 232 Adelaide St.
City Campus Room Capacities
The following current room capacity figures show the maximum number of students (in addition to the Tutor) permitted in each room under our COVID Safe Plan. See Floor Plans below for an indication of room sizes.
Room | Capacity |
Creek St | |
Room 3 | 9 |
Room 4 | 20 |
Room 5 | 24 |
Room 8 | 14 |
Adelaide St | |
Room 11 | 30 |
Room 12 | 9 |
Room 13 | 16 |
Room 14 | 16 |
Room 15 | 16 |
Room 16 | 36 |
Room 17 | 8 |
Room 18 | 50 |
Room capacities are based on size of room and are used as the default maximum class size for member enrolments. Actual capacity will be lower if desks/tables are used in class.
Tutors may set a lower Class Size Limit using the Tutor login facility.
Audiovisual (AV) aids

97 Creek St
Room 3 - Windows laptop running Windows 11, MS 365 with 65" digital screen.
Room 4 - Large 60" TV screen with HDMI and VGA inputs, Windows 11 laptop with MS 365, DVD player.
Room 5 - Windows 11 laptop with MS 365, 75" digital screen.
Room 8 (Computer Lab) - Windows tutor PC, MS 365, 85" digital screen, student laptops running Windows 11.
An Apple TV is available for wireless presentations from Apple devices (e.g. iPads).
232 Adelaide St
7 rooms (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18) are equipped with the following:
- Windows 11 laptops with MS 365, portable USB DVD players available from office.
- large flat panel screen (65" or 75") with HDMI input.
Apple TVs (for wireless presentations with Apple devices) and DVD players are available from the office if required.
A Document Camera is available to project documents, books etc. on the large screen. See Using the Document Camera for instructions.
Adelaide St Audiovisual Instructions
Adelaide St Room 16 Soundbar Instructions
Creek St Floor Plan
Logan North Library
Large screen TV with HDMI and VGA inputs
For details of AV aids available at other district venues please contact the relevant District Coordinator. For help with audiovisual equipment please email:
If any of your students need advice on Accessibility, please refer them to our Accessibility page, which is linked from the Location page on the top website menu.
For environmental reasons, Tutors are encouraged to distribute class material by email in PDF format wherever possible. If you must have paper copies, classes held in the City Campus venues have a copying allowance of $50 per class per term. Copies in excess of that allowance are charged at 10c per page black and white, or 20c per page colour. Tutors are expected to do their own copying on the Canon copier at either Creek St or Adelaide St. Please contact the office manager to obtain a PIN for the copiers:
Use of copyrighted material
U3A Brisbane holds licenses from Copyright Agency Ltd and OneMusic (formerly APRA AMCOS) allowing the reproduction of copyrighted material in class for educational purposes. For detailed information see our Copyright page.