University of the Third Age Brisbane

Connecting Seniors to Lifelong Learning

University of the Third Age Brisbane

Connecting Seniors to Lifelong Learning

Upcoming Special Events
Wednesday 17th July 2024, 11:00am. Australia's Ancient Past - June Phillips

Wednesday 31st July 2024, 11:00am. Treaties, Politics, and Agreement making with Indigenous peoples in Australia - David Allinson

More Info and Bookings

Tuesday 16 July, Term 3 (week 2)

Click on class name to obtain more information, or to enrol.

City Campus

S05 Mathematics without Equations
S05 Mathematics without Equations
Tutor: Andrew Macfarlane
Mathematics without Equations is an approach to mathematics for those for whom "maths" was just arithmetic and more arithmetic, algebra and solving equations. What mathematicians do is utterly different! It is about concepts, weird and fascinating, but often based on solving real problems. The discussion will start with explorations of the mathematics of infinity, and the concept of a continuum. Then comes thinking in 4,5, 6... dimensions, how can it be done and what might this have to do with artificial intelligence. There are no stupid questions (or none that the presenter hasn't had himself).
Venue: Creek St, Room 4
Tuesday 9:00am to 10:15am

Andrew Macfarlane (9:00am to 10:15am)  (Creek St, Room 4)
Y19 Matters Arising
Y19 Matters Arising (class full)
Tutor: Garth Sherman
The group members will raise and discuss issues or events that occur in our society, economy, history, evolution, environment etc. Members may read a paper or other media to inform the issues raised in the class. Members contribute to the discussion from their own experience, values, knowledge and research.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 11
Tuesday 9:00am to 10:15am

(full) Garth Sherman (9:00am to 10:15am)  (Adelaide St, Room 11)
H24 History through the Ages
H24 History through the Ages (class full)
Tutor: Ralph Carlisle
This class covers the broad spectrum of history over time. It is not restricted to any specific historical period. The class has a "learning by doing" philosophy. Members are encouraged to contribute on history topics of their own choosing by researching the topic, then preparing their talk and presenting it to the class. Talks are typically an hour in length. Lively class discussion is strongly encouraged. Over the year, everyone has the chance to give a talk, if they so choose (it is not obligatory). In 2023, topics ranged from 'Shoot Straight You Bastards (Breaker Morant)' to 'Failed Invasions (Yuan China against Japan)'.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 16
Tuesday 9:00am to 10:15am

(full) Ralph Carlisle (9:00am to 10:15am)  (Adelaide St, Room 16)

A20 Budding Artist Group
A20 Budding Artist Group (class full)
Tutor: Lesley Dalyell
**This is a double class.** We are a friendly group, concentrating on water colours. We learn together using various resources and access tutoring help from water colour artists when we can. As the class does not have a regular tutor in water colours, this class is not suitable for people who have never used water colours before. There is a suggested materials list available on request.
Venue: Creek St, Room 5
Tuesday 9:30am to 12:15pm

(full) Lesley Dalyell (9:30am to 12:15pm)   (3 hours)  (Creek St, Room 5)
K08 Basic Writing
K08 Basic Writing
Tutor: Thomas Nelson
Is that great Australian novel lurking in your subconscious? Do you lie awake at night with thoughts racing through your mind? Have you forgotten how to write for fun? The basic writing course at U3A can help you answer these questions. The course covers the basics: plot, character development, dialogue and like the advertisements, much, much more. The course is run over two terms. In term 3 we cover the basics and in term 4 we extend your writing by expanding on those basic building blocks. We will write and discuss writing techniques. If you are ready for the challenge this course is for you.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 13
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:45am

Thomas Nelson (9:30am to 10:45am)  (Adelaide St, Room 13)
K02 Writing - a Life in 10 Objects
K02 Writing - a Life in 10 Objects (class full)
Tutor: Cheryl Hayden
Have you ever fancied writing a life? Your life? The life of an ancestor? The life of someone in your family? Or a friend you have admired and loved forever? Inspired by the television series 'A Life in Ten Pictures' this course invites you to explore the life of your chosen subject through a collection of objects - photographs, medals, certificates, toys, items of jewellery or clothing, souvenirs, art works, dreams and memories... in fact, anything at all that reminds you of them. If there is someone you would like to honour with some writing about their life, this course might be for you.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 14
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:45am

(full) Cheryl Hayden (9:30am to 10:45am)  (Adelaide St, Room 14)
J90 Spanish Beginners Conversation
J90 Spanish Beginners Conversation (class full)
Tutor: Raul Garcia
Learn and speak Spanish in a fun and simple way. We will talk about current issues, listen to music, watch movies and play games which will help you to memorize vocabulary. You will surely enjoy learning Spanish. I would like us to listen to music in Spanish from Latin America and to appreciate the lyrics.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 15
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:45am

(full) Raul Garcia (9:30am to 10:45am)  (Adelaide St, Room 15)

B101 Mindfulness and Metta Practice
B101 Mindfulness and Metta Practice
Tutor: Georgia Cummings
Meditation and metta/self-compassion in the mindfulness (Vipassana) tradition. This class includes discussion and lightly guided meditation and metta practice. Class topics will include spirituality and ageing, neuroscience and ageing, narrative gerontology (our stories) and will also include examining articles and the literature of Buddhist and other faith traditions.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 18
Tuesday 9:45am to 11:00am

Georgia Cummings (9:45am to 11:00am)  (Adelaide St, Room 18)

E31 Dangerous Ideas to Challenge Us
E31 Dangerous Ideas to Challenge Us (class full)
Tutor: Garth Sherman
This group will discuss dangerous and creative ideas put forward by leading thinkers and culture creators of the 21st century. Will these ideas help or hinder science, economics, military, society, arts, philosophy, psychology, and sociological development? The group will watch or read about new/old ideas and pause to discuss and debate the points raised. (Dangerous? Maybe).
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 11
Tuesday 11:00am to 12:15pm

(full) Garth Sherman (11:00am to 12:15pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 11)

X76 Theatre Through the Ages
X76 Theatre Through the Ages (class full)
Tutor: Jane Lock
We have finished with our Roman studies and have begun to investigate theatre in the Dark Ages. We will move into Medieval theatre and as usual will research what life was like, who the authors were and general background to enhance our understanding of the plays. Each student needs to provide a copy of the set texts and will hopefully be ready to contribute short talks on relevant topics from time to time. We read the texts around the class so that everyone is involved as much as possible. It requires a bit of concentration but is great fun. We have lively discussions and watch appropriate video clips.
Venue: Creek St, Room 4
Tuesday 11:15am to 12:30pm

(full) Jane Lock (11:15am to 12:30pm)  (Creek St, Room 4)
L09 Tips on Writing Short Fiction Stories and Poems
L09 Tips on Writing Short Fiction Stories and Poems (class full)
Tutor: Michael Nolan
This class offers a general discussion on favourite authors and poets and offers tips to build confidence in writing. At the end of the morning, members will be given an optional writing topic for the following week, but they are welcome to bring something different they have written.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 15
Tuesday 11:15am to 12:30pm

(full) Michael Nolan (11:15am to 12:30pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 15)
J42 Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia Intermediate
J42 Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia Intermediate
Tutor: David Truman
Conversation practice and grammar for people who are beyond beginners. Notes and texts will be provided electronically and in short handouts.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 17
Tuesday 11:15am to 12:30pm

David Truman (11:15am to 12:30pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 17)
S12 Science and the Big Issues of our Time
S12 Science and the Big Issues of our Time
Tutor: Martin Gellender
Each week, the class will discuss the science behind the big issues facing Australians in the 21st century. Could Australia derive all its energy needs from renewable energy, and what would be the implications? Could humans colonise other planets? What are the implications if Australia adopts nuclear energy? Can food production be increased to meet rising demands of a growing world population? What are the key environmental challenges that will confront our grandchildren? The class runs in conjunction with Zoom class SO3.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 18
Tuesday 11:15am to 12:30pm

Martin Gellender (11:15am to 12:30pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 18)

H07 British History - Continuing Class
H07 British History - Continuing Class (class full)
Tutor: Judy Catts
We are now finishing the tragedy of the Wars of the Roses, and its devastating effect on the noble houses of England, and will soon be starting a new century and the wonderful Age of Discovery. In England Henry Tudor has taken the throne as Henry VII, the first of the Tudor dynasty.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 13
Tuesday 11:30am to 12:45pm

(full) Judy Catts (11:30am to 12:45pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 13)
U11 Psychology: Exploring Contemporary Topics
U11 Psychology: Exploring Contemporary Topics
Tutor: Peter O'Reilly
This program touches on some important essential concepts, and identifies the topics and questions occupying members' minds and popular culture. These topics could include personal development, cognitive biases, topical personality issues (e.g. narcissism), depression, anxiety, the psychology of change and much more. The goal is to discuss some of the discipline's theories, frameworks and applications. Members will have an active role in shaping the course.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 16
Tuesday 11:30am to 1:00pm

Peter O'Reilly (11:30am to 1:00pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 16)

X10 Ireland and the Irish
X10 Ireland and the Irish
Tutor: Albert Moran
Ireland is often portrayed as a happy-go-lucky place, full of laughter, song and sweeping landscape. But there is another side to such images having to do with abuse, cruelty and injustice. This term we will explore some of the institutions and circumstances of this injustice as well as viewing In the Name of the Father as well as relevant documentaries, we will also watch and discuss such feature films as The Magdalene Sisters, Philomena, Calvary, The General, Angela's Ashes, Borstal Boy.
Venue: Creek St, Room 5
Tuesday 12:30pm to 2:30pm

Albert Moran (12:30pm to 2:30pm)   (2 hours)  (Creek St, Room 5)

X09 Australian Public Policy and Contemporary Issues
X09 Australian Public Policy and Contemporary Issues
Tutor: Prue Brown
In this course we will look at governance systems in Australia and what that means for contemporary policy issues. We explore the formal institutions that underpin our system of government. We will also look at some of the informal forces that work to sustain existing power relations. This includes looking at management paradigms, that is the assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that underpin how decision-makers view the world. We will also look at framing of policy problems and how this influences solutions that are considered.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 15
Tuesday 1:00pm to 2:15pm

Prue Brown (1:00pm to 2:15pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 15)

M03 Popular Music Sessions
M03 Popular Music Sessions
Tutor: Peter O'Reilly
Our main goal is to enjoy music in the company of friends and others (it can magnify the benefits of listening and some might even be inclined to dance!). Secondly, it is an opportunity to explore and learn a little about popular music (not 'Pop' music). For our purposes we will start from 1955 when Frank Sinatra and Nelson Riddle's "In The Wee Small Hours" quietly introduced the 'Album Era', though we may reference earlier periods. In this term we will have four sessions experimenting to see how we might run a full program. Fortnightly weeks 3, 5, 7, 9.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 11
Tuesday 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Peter O'Reilly (1:30pm to 3:00pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 11)
J85 Italian - Intermediate
J85 Italian - Intermediate (class full)
Tutor: Jocelyn Giordano
The focus of this class is oral work and conversation. People who are familiar with Italian and have completed most of the verb tenses are expected to prepare short talks to present to class for discussion. Speaking in Italian occupies half of the weekly class time. Grammar, reading and viewing complement the oral work. Ongoing enrolment is dependent on frequency of attendance, completion of tasks and standard of Italian. **New students must phone the tutor before enrolment.**
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 14
Tuesday 1:30pm to 2:45pm

(full) Jocelyn Giordano (1:30pm to 2:45pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 14)
H18 Russian History, Literature and Culture
H18 Russian History, Literature and Culture
Tutor: David Truman
In Term 3 we'll cover the great writer Dostoyevsky; Alexander III and his reactionary tutor Pobedonostsev; the history of antisemitism in Russia to the early 20th century; the intelligentsia through the reign of the last two tsars; an introduction to Chekhov; the twilight of Imperial Russia; and the Russian Ballet.
Venue: Adelaide St, Room 18
Tuesday 1:30pm to 2:45pm

David Truman (1:30pm to 2:45pm)  (Adelaide St, Room 18)

Zoom Classes (Online)

D01 Active Share Trading
D01 Active Share Trading
Tutor: John Van Der Werff
The class will discuss ASX shares, US shares, Forex, World Wide Indices and other investment entities as suggested by class members. Class members are encouraged to analyse shares that they are interested in for class discussion.
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tuesday 8:00am to 9:00am

John Van Der Werff (8:00am to 9:00am)

L75 Poetry
L75 Poetry
Tutor: Kev Warburton
The course will continue to study poetry from all eras, focussing on one selected poet each week. Some sessions will be used to share other poems, including those written by members of the class.
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tuesday 9:00am to 10:15am

Kev Warburton (9:00am to 10:15am)

C11 How to make the most of iPads and iPhones
C11 How to make the most of iPads and iPhones
Tutor: Deslyn Taylor
This course will look at using iPads and iPhones effectively. Do you have the right settings? What is the Wallet and is it secure? Make the most of Notes. Get the latest news, access eBooks, Audio Books and Music using the BCC Apps. Q&A sessions on your Apple Devices will be included and we will also look at organising your device to suit you.
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:45am

Deslyn Taylor (9:30am to 10:45am)

L10 Literature Out of Africa
L10 Literature Out of Africa
Tutor: Catherine O'Donoghue
Reading Literature out of Africa provides rich learning about different cultures, a delight in appreciating writing styles, and empathy for the human experience. A variety of different texts are explored at a reading pace suitable for the group. There are one or two major works, such as a novel or autobiography each term, with some short works such as short stories and poetry. The class format includes presentations and discussions. It is a relaxed class with participation by choice. There will be opportunities for members to take the lead on discussions if you wish. Reading information will be issued on enrolment.
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tuesday 10:45am to 12:00pm

Catherine O'Donoghue (10:45am to 12:00pm)

S03 Science and the Big Issues of our Time
S03 Science and the Big Issues of our Time
Tutor: Martin Gellender
Each week, the class will discuss the science behind the big issues facing Australians in the 21st century. Could Australia derive all its energy needs from renewable energy, and what would be the implications? What are the implications if Australia adopts nuclear energy? Could humans colonise other planets? Can food production be increased to meet rising demands of a growing world population? What are the key environmental challenges that will confront our grandchildren? Runs in conjunction with face-to-face class S12.
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tuesday 11:15am to 12:30pm

Martin Gellender (11:15am to 12:30pm)

J19 Spanish Book Reading
J19 Spanish Book Reading
Tutor: Teresa Lynch
In this class we read contemporary Spanish novels. In class we take turns to read aloud and translate. In Term 3, we will continue reading Hija de la fortuna by Isabel Allende.
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tuesday 2:00pm to 3:15pm

Teresa Lynch (2:00pm to 3:15pm)

Logan District

Y13 Philosophical Discussion
Y13 Philosophical Discussion
Tutor: Bronwyn Statham
The group discusses a range of subjects of philosophical interest, both historical and contemporary. New members are welcome.
Venue: Contact tutor for details of venue etc
Tuesday 9:30am to 11:30am

Bronwyn Statham (9:30am to 11:30am)   (2 hours)  (Contact tutor for details of venue etc)
B91 Advancing in Tai Chi Group 1
B91 Advancing in Tai Chi Group 1
Tutor: Cheryl Smith
We will be practising the principles of authentic Yang Style 85 Tai Chi as taught by Marcel in previous classes. Only previous students with this basic level accepted as this is not a teaching class.
Venue: Riverdale Park
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:30am

Cheryl Smith (9:30am to 10:30am)  (Riverdale Park)

K10 Creative Writing
K10 Creative Writing
Tutor: Marlene Wood
Participants may share short extracts of less than 1000 words of their writing with the group. This can be short stories, personal reflections, poetry etc. This is an opportunity to learn from each other by offering encouragement, constructive suggestions and support and insights gained from general reading. There is no instructor with all the answers. Please note this is a fortnightly class, starting in the first week of term.
Venue: Beenleigh Neighbourhood Centre
Tuesday 10:00am to 11:30am
Fortnightly class

Marlene Wood (10:00am to 11:30am)  (Beenleigh Neighbourhood Centre)
Fortnightly class

B02 Chi Kung for Beginners
B02 Chi Kung for Beginners
Tutor: Cheryl Smith
This is a class of gentle exercises. "The 8 Brocades" are said to have multiple benefits and have been practised in China for more than three millennia. It is easy to learn and is designed to improve mood, balance, flexibility, health and general wellbeing when practised daily in a safe manner. Exercises practised are from the Shibashi sets 1, 2, and 3 and created from Yang Style Tai Chi.
Venue: Riverdale Park
Tuesday 11:00am to 12:00pm

Cheryl Smith (11:00am to 12:00pm)  (Riverdale Park)

J162 French Skills
J162 French Skills
Tutor: Col Davies
Take your French language skills to the next level. Designed for students at the A2 level of CEFR. The class is a mix of speaking, listening, writing and reading.
Venue: Contact tutor for details
Tuesday 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Col Davies (1:00pm to 2:30pm)  (Contact tutor for details)
F07 Canasta Variation Card Game (Hand and Foot)
F07 Canasta Variation Card Game (Hand and Foot)
Tutor: Yvonne Mappas
Canasta is a popular card game. Come along to learn and play this variation of the game in a friendly and supportive class. This is a great way to meet new friends. Beginners and beyond welcome.
Venue: Contact tutor for details of venue etc
Tuesday 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Yvonne Mappas (1:00pm to 4:00pm)   (3 hours)  (Contact tutor for details of venue etc)


F15 Chinese Mahjong
F15 Chinese Mahjong (class full)
Tutor: Ronda Marshall
This class is a continuation of the class held in the city before the COVID problem. If you played in the city with me, you are welcome to rejoin this group. You do not need a Mahjong set to play. There is no printed book for this type of Mahjong. No new players in this quarter.
Venue: Coorparoo RSL
Tuesday 12:30pm to 2:30pm

(full) Ronda Marshall (12:30pm to 2:30pm)   (2 hours)  (Coorparoo RSL)


B29 Introduction to Lawn Bowls
B29 Introduction to Lawn Bowls
Tutor: Diane MacDonald
Last class for 2024.Try for four weeks ($10.00 per session) with accredited coaches (Di, Errol and Jill) in a friendly and supportive environment. Lawn bowls is a low-impact, therapeutic exercise that can improve fitness, coordination and confidence. Use of club bowls or bring your own during the course. Bowling arms are available if needed. Barefoot or flat shoes. Lovely all-weather covered green. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone Paula (manager) 3359 2142 or Di MacDonald (coach) 0419 564 870. Coffee Shop GRID Espresso open before and after classes.
Venue: Northern Suburbs Bowls Club - Wavell Hts
Tuesday 9:30am to 11:00am

Diane MacDonald (9:30am to 11:00am)  (Northern Suburbs Bowls Club - Wavell Hts)