University of the Third Age Brisbane

Connecting Seniors to Lifelong Learning

University of the Third Age Brisbane

Connecting Seniors to Lifelong Learning


Upcoming Special Presentations
Wednesday 17th July 2024, 11:00am. Australia's Ancient Past - June Phillips, Online meeting (Zoom).

Wednesday 31st July 2024, 11:00am. Treaties, Politics, and Agreement making with Indigenous peoples in Australia - David Allinson, Online meeting (Zoom).

More Info and Bookings

Upcoming Social Events
Thursday 5 September 2024, 8:30am. Mt Tamborine Bus Trip, Roma Street Station, platform 10.

More Information

Latest eNewsLATEST U3A eNEWS - July

Nine News segment about U3A Brisbane

This segment was broadcast on Brisbane Channel 9 News Seniors Report by Bruce Paige on 5 July 2024.
(Acknowledgement: 9News Brisbane)

The classes shown were Lily Buttigieg's J218 Spanish Continuing and Bruce Holdsworth's E16 Politics and the Economy - Hopes and Fears, both Wednesday classes at 232 Adelaide St.

Artificial Intelligence

AI brain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here, and anyone can use it. In order to assist U3A members in understanding AI, we have developed a resource to provide practical information on using the various AI tools publicly available, and to outline some of the thorny social issues AI presents:

Introduction to AI

The technology has advanced more quickly than expected, and has the potential to reshape our world. This resource page is offered primarily to provide information about the numerous ways in which AI can currently be used. In the longer term, there are philosophical and even existential considerations, but the more we know about practical AI, the better we will be equipped to understand the deeper issues for humanity.

We are running various presentations on AI as part of this educational process. Tutors and Members are encouraged to explore the creative opportunities of AI.

Annual General Meeting, 10 April 2024

 AGM 2024 Documents
 The following reports and documents were made available at the AGM held on 10 April 2024:
    2024 AGM Agenda
    2023 AGM Minutes
    Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2023
    Management Committee Nominations 2024
    Treasurer's Report 2024
    President's Report 2024

The Management Committee for 2024/25 is as follows.

President Deslyn Taylor
Vice-President John Galligan
Treasurer Joan Mackay
Secretary Rod McLary
Member Cheryl Hayden
Member Sharyn (Panda) Johns
Member Sharon Rothwell
President: Deslyn Taylor
Vice-President: John Galligan
Treasurer: Joan Mackay
Secretary: Rod McLary
Member Cheryl Hayden
Member Sharyn (Panda) Johns
Member Sharon Rothwell

U3A Network Qld Video

This 5-minute video has been produced by U3A Network Qld to promote the benefits of U3A membership.


Current Classes

Enrolments Open

Class Schedule for Term 3 2024 is now active and enrolments are open. Term 3 commenced on Monday 8 July.

To join a new class, enrol through the Class Search page by clicking on the Enrol button, or contact the tutor directly. If you book online you may assume your enrolment is accepted unless the tutor advises otherwise.

You can use the Member Dashboard to view your class enrolment status.

Search Classes and Enrol

Member Dashboard

2024 Term dates:

 Term  From  To  Weeks 
   1 Mon 22-Jan Thu 28-Mar   10
   2 Mon 15-Apr Fri 21-Jun   10
   3 Mon 8-Jul Fri 13-Sep   10
   4 Mon 30-Sep Fri 6-Dec   10
Public Holidays during Term 3:
Exhibition Holiday Brisbane: Wednesday 14 August
Exhibition Holiday Logan: Monday 12 August

Social Events

See Social Events page for details of social events organised by our Social Events Team.

Monthly eNews

To keep our members up to date with current and important information, we produce monthly e-newsletters and those are sent to members on our Email mailing list. For details of our classes and timetable, we produce a quarterly Class Schedule issued two weeks before the end of each term.

Recent Issues

July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024

Prior Years

E-News Back Issues

U3A Discussion Forum

U3A Brisbane now has a Discussion Forum, mainly intended for members to discuss class content with each other. In order to access the forum, members who have not otherwise registered a password as Tutor or staff Volunteer need to firstly:
Register a username and password via Website Registration. Make sure you respond to the security email otherwise the password won't be registered. If you ever forget your password, you can re-set it via the same process.

Once you have a username and password:
  1. Login via the login window at top right of home page.
  2. Go to Members menu that will then show on the right and select Discussion Forum.

Tutors may request a new forum category for their class. See Discussion Forum explanatory page for more information.

Remote Learning

Online classesU3A Brisbane recommends Zoom videoconferencing to tutors who do not wish to conduct face-to-face classes. Many tutors are successfully running their classes online at present. This facility will not be appropriate to all classes but should suit those classes where presentations are typically made. It is very easy to use and we encourage all members to join these sessions online when invited by the tutor.Closed Captions are optionally available in Zoom sessions for those members who need them.

  Zoom - Student Instructions
  Zoom - Tutor Instructions

Email Discussion Groups
U3A Brisbane is also recommending that tutors consider setting up an Email Discussion Group. This enables class members to join the group for interactive discussion.
  Discussion Group Instructions (for tutors)

U3A Brisbane Strategic Plan

The Management Committee and other key volunteers have been working on a new 3 year Strategic Plan to take us through to 2024. Thanks to all those who have contributed so far. The Strategic Plan is now available. Feedback is welcome.

COVID Safe Plans

U3A Brisbane is required to have COVID-19 Safety plans in place iin order to offer face-to-face classes. Tutors should contact the relevant District Coordinator if you wish to conduct a face-to-face class.

COVID Safe Plan - City Campus 2023

COVID Safe Plan - District Classes 2023  

IT Group

The IT Group that functioned for many years with Saturday morning monthly meetings no longer meets except for occasional Zoom events. Notes of past meetings are available here: IT Group Notes.

Winter School

The one-week Winter School has been in abeyance since 2019 as a result of restrictions imposed by the COVID outbreak. Presentation notes from past Winter Schools are available here: Winter School Notes.

Network News

U3A Network Queensland U3A Brisbane is a member of the U3A Queensland Network, which produces occasional Network Newsletters.
